KYJVP2 14*2.5控制電纜銅芯交聯(lián)聚乙烯絕緣聚氯乙烯護套銅帶屏蔽控制電纜
KYJVP2 14*2.5控制電纜用途:適用于冶金、電力、石油化工等工礦企業(yè)中交流額定電壓450/750V及以下的電器儀表,配電裝置的信號傳輸,控制和測量系統(tǒng)。
XLPE insulated control cables are suitable for the electrical apparatus and instruments, signal transmission of distribution devices and control and measure system with A.C rated voltage of 450/750V and below, used by metallurgical, power and petrochemical industries etc.
XLPE insulated control cables; it can avoid fire accidents occurring and losses reducing that this products can prevent fire spreading on the circuits.
XLPE insulated control cables, the characteristic of this product is that it can ensure the normal operation of the cables in some period, when it burning. It offers time for crowd evacuation and equipments rescue.
XLPE insulated control cables with the characteristic of low-smoke and flame-retardant are suitable for the electrical apparatus and instruments, signal transmission of distribution devices and control and
KYJVP2 14*2.5控制電纜使用特點:
1、 額定電壓Rated voltage
Rated Voltage of cable U0/U is 450/750V
2、 導體額定工作溫度
The rated temperature of conductor
The maximum temperature of the cable conductor is 90℃.
During having a short circuit, (lasting less than 5s), the maximum temperature of the cable conductor must be below 250℃.
3、 敷設環(huán)境溫度
Ambient temperature for laying
the ambient temperature for laying shall be above 0℃, if not the cable need be preheated.
4、 安裝彎曲半徑
a) 無鎧裝層的電纜,應不小于電纜外徑的6倍;
b) 有鎧裝或銅帶屏蔽結構的電纜,應不小于電纜外徑的12倍;
c) 有屏蔽層結構的軟電纜,應不小于電纜外徑的6倍。
The bend radius
a) For unarmoured cable, it shall not be less than 6 times of the external diameter of cable
b) For armoured cable or copper tape screened cable, it shall not be less than 12 times of the external diameter of cable
c) For the flexible cable with screen layers, it shall not be less than 6 times of the external diameter of cable
系列代號2) Series code
控制電纜control power cable………………………………………………………………………………K
導體代號Conductor code
銅導體(省略)Copper conductor ( omitted )………………………………………………………………T
絕緣代號Insulation code
交聯(lián)聚乙烯絕緣 cross-linking polyethylene(XLPE) insulated……………………………………………YJ
護套代號1)Sheath code
聚氯乙烯護套 polyvinyl chloride and sheath………………………………………………………………V
聚乙烯護套 polyethylene sheath……………………………………………………………………………Y
鎧裝代號Amour code
雙鋼帶鎧裝steel tape armoured ……………………………………………………………………………2
細圓鋼絲鎧裝thin steel-wire armoured ……………………………………………………………………3
外護套代號Outer sheath code
聚氯乙烯外護套 polyvinyl chloride outer sheath …………………………………………………………2
聚乙烯外護套 polyethylene outer sheath …………………………………………………………………3
軟導體flexible conductor…………………………………………………………………………………R
銅絲編織屏蔽copper braid shielding………………………………………………………………………P
銅帶繞包屏蔽copper tape screen………………………………………………………………………P2
Notes: 1)Including the extruding inner covering and separating tape.
2)Flame-retardent、fire-safe and low-smoke zero-halogen cablea series code see the addentda C
2、產(chǎn)品型號組成The consistent of specifications
XLPE insulated control cable, Pictures of products structure
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